February 15, 2020
2020 Year Of The Rat - Runforthecube Fan Art
Twitter is full of Runforthecube memes, comments, and fan art. With 2020 being the Chinese Zodiac Year of the Rat, people got creative and designed some fun digital art projects featuring the one and only Jelly Belly Pet Rat Gummy Candy to celebrate. What do you think of these designs?
2020 Year of the Rat - Gummy Candy - @01nuu
Jelly Belly Pet Rat Gummy Candy with Green Glove - @lambeasts
Jelly Belly Pet Rat Gummy Candy - Smell My Finger - @Satan_our_bae
Sanjeev Cube's Thoughts on 2020 Year of the Rat
Oooh, very good year. Very good year. I love Year of the Rat. I love Year of the Rat. The art is... very nice. Very very nice. Thank you very much. Peace. Peace out!